Stories of Hope Steven DePriest, donor

Steve loved hunting, fishing, and studying history, and, as a volunteer firefighter, he cared deeply about his community. His dedication to serving others was also evident when he registered as an organ, eye and tissue donor.

After his sudden passing, Steve’s decision to be a donor gave the gift of life to others in need. His family learned that a woman in a neighboring state received one of his kidneys, another received his corneas, and there were tissues recovered that may help save the life of someone else waiting for a transplant. To Steve’s family, his selfless act of registering to be a donor means that he is living on through the recipients’ lives he saved.

The Most Precious Gift

For Steve’s daughter, Allison, knowing that his gift has given others a second chance at life brought her comfort while grieving his loss.

“It has meant to me that his life is living on in someone else. He gave them the chance to live on with his selfless act of donation. The recipients can live another day to be with their family, and someone can SEE again! Though his life ended suddenly and tragically, knowing his gift of life has provided so much comfort through so many days of grief. Be that person to give life back to someone after you’re gone. It’s the most precious gift, the gift of life. It brings such comfort and peace to share his story after such a tragic loss.”